To criticize the film of “Habibie and Ainun” for public
Title : Habibie and Ainun.
Genre : Romance.
Date of Production : Desember,
20th 2012.
Director : Faozan
Who has never heard about the romantic
story of Romeo and Juliet? That’s the romance story everyone understands. Now,
Indonesia has the movie with the same touching feeling as the masterpiece of
Shakespeare. Yes, it is the movie entitled “Habibie and Ainun”. “Habibie and
Ainun” is a movie in which the story is taken from a novel written by Mr.
Habibie himself, it tells about the love story of him and his wife, Mrs. Ainun.
I don’t know why, I’m so amazed by this movie which is made from a novel. Here
is the synopsis.
couple met when they were still in the junior high school in 1962, and they met
again in Bandung. Habibie soon fell in love to Ms. Ainun, his “sweet
sugar girl”. But for Habibie, he did not only love her. For him, Ms. Ainun was
the source of his spirit to get his vision and mission. They got married and
lived in German.
To have a dream is not easy. They absolutely knew that. Their love was built by
the times they spent to reach that dream. The cold weather of German, struggle,
pain, loneliness, also the temptation of power and wealth when they came back
to Indonesia became the fillers of their life journey.
For Habibie, Ainun was everything. Ainun was the eyes for him to see his life.
For Ainun, Habibie was the filler for her heart. Habibie was her everything.
But, every dream has the limit. Every story will end. And in a point, this
soulmates became brittle. Will their love last forever?
This film is a very good film full of romantic scenes and we will keep in
curious while we’re watching it. Every scenes seems to be the real story of the
real character, Habibie. The story itself is interesting and different with
other kind of story. The faithful can being educate the young generation to
have the same nationalism and being honesty like Habibie had as a president and
a husband.
But, I don’t recommend this film to be watched by kids under
15 years old because there are some scenes that are not proper to be seen by
kids. Then, this film does not really completely tell the story of Habibie and
Ainun. For example, the film doesn’t show any scenes of Habibie and Ainun when
they were in Batam. And also, this film only tells the story from the good
side, when actually, in the reality there are the bad side from Habibie’s life.
Well, even so, this story is still a very great film that I
can say this film has the same quality as Romeo and Juliet. For me, this story
that mix the romance and nationalism side is very interesting. Without any
doubt, I very recommend this film very much.
Source :
Wahhh review anda sangat membantu, terimakasih
BalasHapusWahyu riview anda sangat tidak bagus, wkwkw
BalasHapusAku sayang kamu Aling😍
BalasHapusWahh review anda sangat bagus, sampai-sampai saya tidak bisa membacanya
BalasHapusI love you Aling😘
BalasHapusWah review anda sangat tidak aku mengerti
BalasHapusTubless ka Ayah😙😋
BalasHapusI love kamu yang disana by aling
BalasHapusDisampaikan kepada seluruh kelas 12 untuk membawah laptopnya silahkan puoang kerumahnya ambil
BalasHapusSalam Pakko²🤣
Terima kasih salam pakko2nya
HapusTublesska pak azis
BalasHapusLeja bapakku
BalasHapusI love you Wardah😍
Baco uci adalah saudara habibie tapi baco uci masih hidup sampai sekarang
BalasHapusHy nama saya firman tobbe
BalasHapusSaya perwakilan dari tarana, saya ingin menyampaikan bahwa jendral Tika akan segera datang
BalasHapusHy aku dawan mengco
BalasHapusUntuk keluarga besar dg malo dg leja anda di usir dari rumah
BalasHapusAwas jatuh di Tika ehh Tuka pae🤣
HapusTerima kasih atas homo anda berdua karena telah melakukan yang sering pak azis lakukan
BalasHapusPerkenalkan namaku Andi baco' petak umper
BalasHapusTabe di nammaloi lejja
BalasHapusTabe di culli nammaloa
BalasHapusTerimakasih atas hinaannya
BalasHapusJangan ribut woy aku mau colmek
BalasHapusSama sama saya menghina karena saya ingin menghina anda
BalasHapusUntuk anaknya dg tika makasih
BalasHapusBaco seksi
BalasHapusUci sappi
BalasHapusAhhhh ahhhh yesss nooooo
BalasHapusSakit rahma
BalasHapusIke ike kimochi
BalasHapusSalam EXO-L🔥
BalasHapusHai uni,hardianti,ipa,lulu,dila dikelas 12 mia 3
BalasHapusTasya,tantri ,uli,ipo,jg
HapusSalam pakko pakko dari bainenna dg pasang
HapusHai sy magfira
HapusTabe' numpang lewat
BalasHapusHamil online ka sehun
BalasHapusHai saya istri jungkook